Unveiling the Relaxation Effect: Why You May Feel Tired After Float Therapy

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Woman sitting inside the float tank

Float therapy, also known as sensory deprivation or floatation therapy, is renowned for its incredible relaxation and rejuvenation benefits. However, it's not uncommon for individuals to experience fatigue or a sense of tiredness after a float therapy session. In this blog post, we will explore some of the reasons why you may feel tired after float therapy, shedding light on the physiological and psychological aspects of this unique practice.

  1. Deep Relaxation and Parasympathetic Response: Float therapy induces a deep state of relaxation by reducing sensory input and triggering the parasympathetic nervous system response. This response is responsible for rest and digestion, leading to a decrease in heart rate, blood pressure, and the release of stress hormones. The profound relaxation experienced during a float session can promote a sense of calmness and tranquility, which can naturally make you feel more tired or drowsy afterward.
  2. Release of Muscle Tension and Physical Fatigue: Floating effortlessly in the Epsom salt-infused water helps alleviate muscle tension and promotes muscle recovery. The weightlessness experienced during a float session allows your muscles to relax deeply, which can release built-up tension and fatigue. As a result, your body may enter a state of physical relaxation that contributes to feelings of tiredness.
  3. Enhanced Sleep Quality: Float therapy has been found to improve sleep quality for many individuals. The deep relaxation achieved during a float session can regulate sleep-wake cycles and promote better sleep patterns. As a result, you may experience improved sleep quality, feeling more rested and refreshed the next day. However, immediately after a float session, the sensation of enhanced relaxation can contribute to transient feelings of tiredness.
  4. Mental and Emotional Processing: Float therapy provides a unique environment for introspection and processing emotions. With reduced external stimuli, your mind is free to explore deeper levels of consciousness. This mental and emotional processing can be intense, as you may become more aware of underlying thoughts, emotions, or unresolved issues. This heightened mental activity during a float session can contribute to mental fatigue afterward.
  5. Individual Variations and Personal Energy Levels: It's important to remember that the effects of float therapy can vary from person to person. Some individuals may feel energized and rejuvenated after a session, while others may experience a sense of tiredness. Each individual has different energy levels and responses to relaxation techniques. If you find yourself consistently feeling excessively tired after float therapy, it may be worth adjusting the duration or frequency of your sessions to better align with your personal needs.

Conclusion: Feeling tired after a float therapy session is a common experience due to the deep relaxation, parasympathetic response, release of muscle tension, enhanced sleep quality, and mental and emotional processing that occur during the practice. It's important to listen to your body and honor its need for rest and rejuvenation. If you consistently feel overly tired after float therapy sessions, consider adjusting the duration, frequency, or time of day of your floats to better suit your energy levels. Remember, self-care and individualized experiences are essential elements in optimizing the benefits of float therapy.

  • (Source: Personal research and knowledge)

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